The following code, written by Matthew Fam, is a manipulation performed on a SocioPatterns dataset. The following data preparation provided the foundation for a study comparing online and in-person networks as well as individuals’ centralities and behaviors therein.
# import participant metadata
meta <- read.csv("~/path/to/Raw SocioPatterns Data/metadata_2013.txt", header = F)
# properly format data and separate into columns
meta <- as.character(meta$V1)
meta <- unlist(strsplit(meta, c("\\s+")))
meta <- meta[!meta == ""] # Remove empty values
meta <- data.frame(matrix(meta, ncol = 3, byrow = T))
colnames(meta) <- c("id", "class", "gender")
meta$id <- as.numeric(as.character(meta$id))
# extract class information and calculate additional class size/gender composition
class_size <-$class, meta$gender))
colnames(class_size) <- c("class", "gender", "frequency")
class_data <- class_size
class_num_F <- filter(class_size, gender == "F")
class_num_M <- filter(class_size, gender == "M")
class_num_Unknown <- filter(class_size, gender == "Unknown")
class_size <-$class))
colnames(class_size) <- c("class", "class_size")
class_size$class_num_F <- class_num_F$frequency
class_size$class_num_M <- class_num_M$frequency
class_size$class_num_Unknown <- class_num_Unknown$frequency
# insert additional info about participant's class within main data set
dta <- merge(meta, class_size, by = "class")
cols <- c("class_size", "class_num_F", "class_num_M", "class_num_Unknown")
dta[cols] <- lapply(dta[cols], factor) # make these new calculated numbers into factors so they are more easily used in analysis
dta <- dta[, c(2:3,1,4:7)]
# import facebook network data
fbnet <- read.csv("~/path/to/Raw SocioPatterns Data/Facebook-known-pairs_data_2013.csv", header = F)
colnames(fbnet) <- c("id1", "id2", "friend_status")
# filter only for friendship connections (remove columns denoting lack of friendship)
fbnet <- subset(fbnet[,c(1,2)], fbnet$friend_status == 1)
# calculate and insert centrality measures
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = fbnet, directed = F)
fbids <-[,1:2])))
fbids$fb_deg <- degree(g)
fbids$fb_bet <- betweenness(g)
fbids$fb_cls <- closeness(g)
fbids[5] <-[[1]])
fbids[6] <-[[1]])
colnames(fbids) <- c("id", "fb_deg", "fb_bet", "fb_cls", "fb_egn", "fb_pgrnk")
# calculate number of friends
fbnetrev <- fbnet[,c(2,1)]
colnames(fbnetrev) <- c("id1", "id2")
fbids2 <- rbind(fbnet, fbnetrev) # adds a repeat for each interaction, where id1 and id2 are switched such that filtering for one person's interactions can be done using id1 regardless of subject
fbids2 <- merge(fbids2, meta[, c(1,3)], by.x = "id2", by.y = "id")
fbids2 <- fbids2[, c(2,1,3)]
colnames(fbids2) <- c("id1", "id2", "id2.gender")
num_fb_friends <-$id1))
colnames(num_fb_friends) <- c("id", "num_fb_friends")
# calculate gender ratio of friends
num_fb_friends_by_gender <-$id1, fbids2$id2.gender))
colnames(num_fb_friends_by_gender) <- c("id", "gender_of_friends", "num_fb_friends")
num_M_fb_friends <- filter(num_fb_friends_by_gender, gender_of_friends == "M")
num_F_fb_friends <- filter(num_fb_friends_by_gender, gender_of_friends == "F")
num_Unknown_fb_friends <- filter(num_fb_friends_by_gender, gender_of_friends == "Unknown")
num_fb_friends$num_M_fb_friends <- num_M_fb_friends$num_fb_friends
num_fb_friends$num_F_fb_friends <- num_F_fb_friends$num_fb_friends
num_fb_friends$num_Unknown_fb_friends <- num_Unknown_fb_friends$num_fb_friends
num_fb_friends$gender_ratio_fb <- as.numeric(abs(num_fb_friends$num_M_fb_friends/num_fb_friends$num_fb_friends - .5))
# merge facebook data and calculated values
fbids <- merge(fbids, num_fb_friends, by = "id")
# merge facebook data with master dataset
fulldta <- merge(dta, fbids, by = "id", all = T) # fulldta adds NA where there is missing data due to a subject missing from one of the data frames
dta <- merge(dta, fbids, by = "id") # dta keeps only the ids which are present in each of the joined data frames
# import friendship network data
frnnet <- read.csv("~/path/to/Raw SocioPatterns Data/Friendship-network_data_2013.csv", header = F)
colnames(frnnet) <- c("id1", "id2")
# calculate and insert centrality measures
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = frnnet, directed = T)
frnids <-[,1:2])))
frnids$frn_deg <- degree(g)
frnids$frn_bet <- betweenness(g)
frnids$frn_in_cls <- closeness(g, mode = "in")
frnids$frn_out_cls <- closeness(g, mode = "out")
frnids[6] <-[[1]])
frnids[7] <-[[1]])
colnames(frnids) <- c("id", "frn_deg", "frn_bet", "frn_in_cls", "frn_out_cls", "frn_egn", "frn_pgrnk")
# determine number of friends and reciprocality thereof
num_friends_reported <-$id1, levels=unique(unlist(frnnet[,1:2])))))
colnames(num_friends_reported) <- c("id", "num_friends_reported")
frnids <- merge(frnids, num_friends_reported, by = "id")
num_others_reporting_subject_as_friend <-$id2, levels=unique(unlist(frnnet[,1:2])))))
colnames(num_others_reporting_subject_as_friend) <- c("id", "num_others_reporting_subject_as_friend")
frnids <- merge(frnids, num_others_reporting_subject_as_friend, by = "id")
mutual_status <-
mutual_status <- cbind(frnnet, mutual_status)
mutual_friendships <-$id1,levels=unique(unlist(frnnet[,1:2]))),mutual_status$`which_mutual(g)`, exclude = "FALSE"))
colnames(mutual_friendships) <- c("id", "mutual_status", "mutual_friendships")
frnids <- merge(frnids, mutual_friendships[,c(1,3)], by = "id")
unreciprocated_friendships_reported_by_subject <-$id1,levels=unique(unlist(frnnet[,1:2]))),mutual_status$`which_mutual(g)`, exclude = "TRUE"))
colnames(unreciprocated_friendships_reported_by_subject) <- c("id", "mutual_status", "unreciprocated_friendships_(reported_by_subject)")
frnids <- merge(frnids, unreciprocated_friendships_reported_by_subject[,c(1,3)], by = "id")
unreciprocated_friendships_reported_by_others <-$id2,levels=unique(unlist(frnnet[,1:2]))),mutual_status$`which_mutual(g)`, exclude = "TRUE"))
colnames(unreciprocated_friendships_reported_by_others) <- c("id", "mutual_status", "unreciprocated_friendships_(reported_by_others)")
frnids <- merge(frnids, unreciprocated_friendships_reported_by_others[,c(1,3)], by = "id")
frnids$`total_num_friends_(frnnet)` <- frnids$mutual_friendships + frnids$`unreciprocated_friendships_(reported_by_others)` + frnids$`unreciprocated_friendships_(reported_by_subject)`
frnids <- frnids[,c(1:7,13,8:12)]
# determine gender ratio of interactions
frnnetrev <- frnnet[,c(2,1)]
colnames(frnnetrev) <- c("id1", "id2")
frnids2 <- rbind(frnnet, frnnetrev) # adds a repeat for each interaction, where id1 and id2 are switched such that filtering for one person's interactions can be done using id1 regardless of subject
frnids2 <- paste(frnids2$id1, frnids2$id2, sep =" ")
frnids2 <-
colnames(frnids2) <- c("toparse")
frnids2 <- separate(frnids2, toparse, into = c("id1", "id2"), sep = " (?=[^ ]+$)")
frnids2$id1 <- as.numeric(frnids2$id1)
frnids2$id2 <- as.numeric(frnids2$id2)
frnids2 <- merge(frnids2, meta[, c(1,3)], by.x = "id2", by.y = "id")
frnids2 <- frnids2[, c(2,1,3)]
colnames(frnids2) <- c("id1", "id2", "id2.gender")
num_friends_by_gender_frn <-$id1, frnids2$id2.gender))
colnames(num_friends_by_gender_frn) <- c("id", "gender_of_friends", "num_friends_frn")
num_M_friends_frn <- filter(num_friends_by_gender_frn, gender_of_friends == "M")
num_F_friends_frn <- filter(num_friends_by_gender_frn, gender_of_friends == "F")
num_Unknown_friends_frn <- filter(num_friends_by_gender_frn, gender_of_friends == "Unknown")
num_friends_by_gender_frn <- num_M_friends_frn[,c(1,3)]
colnames(num_friends_by_gender_frn) <- c("id", "num_M_friends_frn")
num_friends_by_gender_frn$num_F_friends_frn <- num_F_friends_frn[,3]
num_friends_by_gender_frn$num_Unknown_friends_frn <- num_Unknown_friends_frn[,3]
frnids <- merge(frnids, num_friends_by_gender_frn, by = "id")
frnids$gender_ratio_frn <- as.numeric(abs(frnids$num_M_friends_frn/frnids$`total_num_friends_(frnnet)` - .5))
# calculate average friends' centralities in the process and insert friend centralities
frnids2 <- merge(frnids2[,c(1:2)], frnids[,c(1,5)], by.x = "id2", by.y = "id")
frnids2 <- frnids2[,c(2,1,3)]
frnids2 <- aggregate(frnids2$frn_out_cls, by = list(id=frnids2$id1), FUN = mean)
colnames(frnids2) <- c("id", "friend_cent")
frnids <- merge(frnids, frnids2, by = "id")
# merge facebook data with master dataset
fulldta <- merge(fulldta, frnids, by = "id", all = T)
dta <- merge(dta, frnids, by = "id")
# import interaction network data
intnet <- read.csv("~/path/to/Raw SocioPatterns Data/High-School_data_2013.csv", header = F)
intnet <- intnet[, c(2:3,1)]
colnames(intnet) <- c("id1", "id2", "time")
# add weights to network (although many functions can derive weight from quantity of repetitions)
intnetweighted <- paste(intnet$id1, intnet$id2, sep =" ")
intnetweighted <-
colnames(intnetweighted) <- c("toparse", "weight")
intnetweighted <- separate(intnetweighted, toparse, into = c("id1", "id2"), sep = " (?=[^ ]+$)")
# remove weights from network
intnetun <- intnetweighted[,c(1:2)]
# calculate and insert centrality measures
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = intnet, directed = F) # use unweighted network for centrality calculations
intids <-[,1:2])))
intids$int_deg <- degree(g)
intids$int_bet <- betweenness(g)
intids$int_cls <- closeness(g)
intids[5] <-[[1]])
intids[6] <-[[1]])
colnames(intids) <- c("id", "int_deg", "int_bet", "int_cls", "int_egn", "int_pgrnk")
# determine interactions
intnetrev <- intnet[,c(2,1,3)]
colnames(intnetrev) <- c("id1", "id2", "time")
ints <- rbind(intnet,intnetrev) # adds a repeat for each interaction, where id1 and id2 are switched such that filtering for one person's interactions can be done using id1 regardless of subject
ints <-$id1))
colnames(ints) <- c("id", "ints")
intids <- merge(intids, ints, by = "id")
# calculate interaction time
inttime <- rbind(intnet, intnetrev)
inttime$comboid <- paste(inttime$id1, inttime$time, sep =" ")
inttime <-$comboid))
colnames(inttime) <- c("toparse")
inttime <- separate(inttime, toparse, into = c("id", "time_stamp"), sep = " (?=[^ ]+$)")
inttime <-$id))
colnames(inttime) <- c("id", "int_time")
intids <- merge(intids, inttime, by = "id")
# calculate group interactions
inttime <- rbind(intnet, intnetrev)
inttime <-$id1, inttime$time))
inttime <- filter(inttime, inttime$Freq > 1)
inttime <-$Var1))
colnames(inttime) <- c("id", "group_ints")
intids <- merge(intids, inttime, by = "id")
# determine conversation partners
inttime <- rbind(intnet, intnetrev)
inttime <-$id1, inttime$id2))
inttime <- filter(inttime, inttime$Freq > 0)
inttime <-$Var1))
colnames(inttime) <- c("id", "conv_partners")
intids <- merge(intids, inttime, by = "id")
# calculate entropy
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = intnet, directed = F)
intadjmat <- as_adj(g)
entropy_vector <- c(1:nrow(intadjmat))
for (row in c(1:nrow(intadjmat))) {
entropy_vector[row] <- entropy(intadjmat[row,])
entropy_vector <-
colnames(entropy_vector) <- c("social_ent")
intids <- cbind(intids, entropy_vector)
# calculate interaction gender ratio
inttime <- rbind(intnet, intnetrev)
inttime <- merge(inttime, meta[,c(1,3)], by.x = "id2", by.y = "id")
inttime <- inttime[,c(2,1,4,3)]
colnames(inttime) <- c("id1", "id2", "gender.id2", "time")
inttime <-$id1, inttime$gender.id2))
colnames(inttime) <- c("id", "gender_int", "time")
M_ints <- filter(inttime, gender_int == "M")
F_ints <- filter(inttime, gender_int == "F")
Unknown_ints <- filter(inttime, gender_int == "Unknown")
ints_by_gender <- M_ints[,c(1,3)]
colnames(ints_by_gender) <- c("id", "M_ints")
ints_by_gender$F_ints <- F_ints[,3]
ints_by_gender$Unknown_ints <- Unknown_ints[,3]
intids <- merge(intids, ints_by_gender, by = "id")
intids$gender_ratio_ints <- as.numeric(abs(intids$M_ints/intids$ints-.5))
# merge interaction data with master dataset
fulldta <- merge(fulldta, intids, by = "id", all = T)
dta <- merge(dta, intids, by = "id")
# calculate interaction centrality
intids2 <- rbind(intnet, intnetrev)
intids2 <- merge(intids2, frnids[,c(1,5)], by.x = "id2", by.y = "id")
intids2 <- intids2[,c(2,1,3:4)]
intids2 <- aggregate(intids2$frn_out_cls, by = list(id=intids2$id1), FUN = mean)
colnames(intids2) <- c("id", "int_cent")
intids <- merge(intids, intids2, by = "id")
fulldta <- merge(fulldta, intids2, by = "id", all = T)
dta <- merge(dta, intids2, by = "id")
# calculate difference between friend centrality and interaction centrality (to see if a person socializes "up" the social ladder or not)
dta$friend_int_cent_diff <- dta$int_cent - dta$friend_cent
fulldta$friend_int_cent_diff <- fulldta$int_cent - fulldta$friend_cent
# calculate friend interactions
frnnet2 <- rbind(frnnet, frnnetrev) #switching ids 1 and 2 and adding them below to filter for data for each subject using jsut one row
frnnet2 <- paste(frnnet2$id1, frnnet2$id2, sep =" ")
frnnet2 <-
intnet2 <- rbind(intnet, intnetrev)
intnet2$comboid <- paste(intnet$id1, intnet$id2, sep =" ")
intnet2$friends <- intnet2$comboid %in% frnnet2$`unique(frnnet2)`
intnet2 <- filter(intnet2, intnet2$friends == "TRUE")
intnet2 <-$id1))
colnames(intnet2) <- c("id", "friend_ints")
fulldta <- merge(fulldta, intnet2, by = "id", all = T)
dta <- merge(dta, intnet2, by = "id")
# calculate average path legnth
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = frnnet, directed = T)
g <- as.undirected(g, "collapse")
N <- gorder(g)-1
g2 <- graph_from_data_frame(d = intnetun, directed = F)
g2 <- as_adj(g2)
g2 <- as.matrix(g2)
g2 <- subset(g2, rownames(g2) %in% frnids$id)
g2 <- t(g2)
g2 <- subset(g2, rownames(g2) %in% frnids$id)
avg_path_length <- lapply(V(g),
q <- shortest.paths(g, v)
d <- diameter(g, directed = F, unconnected = T) + 1
q[q == Inf] <- d
q <- q %*% g2
avg_path_length <-, avg_path_length))
avg_path_length$id <- rownames(avg_path_length)
avg_path_length <- avg_path_length[,c(2,1)]
colnames(avg_path_length) <- c("id", "avg_path_length_(int_unweighted)")
g2 <- graph_from_data_frame(d = intnet, directed = F)
g2 <- as_adj(g2)
g2 <- as.matrix(g2)
g2 <- subset(g2, rownames(g2) %in% frnids$id)
g2 <- t(g2)
g2 <- subset(g2, rownames(g2) %in% frnids$id)
avg_path_length_weighted <- lapply(V(g),
q <- shortest.paths(g, v)
d <- diameter(g, directed = F, unconnected = T) + 1
q[q == Inf] <- d
q <- q %*% g2
avg_path_length_weighted <-, avg_path_length_weighted))
avg_path_length_weighted$id <- rownames(avg_path_length_weighted)
avg_path_length_weighted <- avg_path_length_weighted[,c(2,1)]
colnames(avg_path_length_weighted) <- c("id", "avg_path_length_(int_weigthed)")
avg_path_length <- merge(avg_path_length, avg_path_length_weighted, by= "id")
avg_path_length$id <- as.numeric(avg_path_length$id)
avg_path_length$`avg_path_length_(int_weigthed)` <- as.numeric(avg_path_length$`avg_path_length_(int_weigthed)`)
# merge friendship ✕ interaction data with master dataset
fulldta <- merge(fulldta, avg_path_length, by = "id", all = T)
dta <- merge(dta, avg_path_length, by = "id")
# import colocation network data
colnet <- read.csv("~/path/to/Raw SocioPatterns Data/colocation_HS_Data.csv", header = F)
# calculate and insert centrality measures
colnet <- colnet[,c(2:3,1)]
colnames(colnet) <- c("id1", "id2", "time")
# calculate and insert weights to network
colnetweighted <- paste(colnet$id1, colnet$id2, sep =" ")
colnetweighted <-
colnames(colnetweighted) <- c("toparse", "weight")
colnetweighted <- separate(colnetweighted, toparse, into = c("id1", "id2"), sep = " (?=[^ ]+$)")
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = colnet, directed = F)
colids <-[,1:2])))
colids$cln_deg <- degree(g)
colids$cln_bet <- betweenness(g)
colids$cln_cls <- closeness(g)
colids[5] <-[[1]])
colids[6] <-[[1]])
colnames(colids) <- c("id", "cln_deg", "cln_bet", "cln_cls", "cln_egn", "cln_pgrnk")
#determine colocations
#organize colocation data to separate ids and specific colocations
colnet$colid <- paste(colnet[,1], colnet[,2])
colctns <-$colid))
colctns2 <- as.character(colctns$Var1)
colctns2 <- unlist(strsplit(colctns2, c("\\s+")))
colctns2 <- colctns2[!colctns2 == ""] # Remove empty values
colctns2 <- data.frame(matrix(colctns2, ncol = 2, byrow = T))
colnames(colctns2) <- c("id1", "id2")
colctns2$id1 <- as.numeric(as.character(colctns2$id1))
colctns2$id2 <- as.numeric(as.character(colctns2$id2))
colctns <- cbind(colctns2, colctns)
colnames(colctns) <- c("id1", "id2", "comboid", "coloctn_freq(1=20s)")
# calculate number of people colocated with, regardless of amount of time spent colocating
colctnsrev <- colctns[,c(2,1,3:4)]
colnames(colctnsrev) <- c("id1", "id2", "comboid", "coloctn_freq(1=20s)")
colctns <- rbind(colctns, colctnsrev) #swithcing id 1 and 2 to filter for each unique id using one column
colctnssum <-$id1, levels = unique(unlist(colnet[,1:2])))))
colnames(colctnssum) <- c("id", "colocations_(total_subjects_colocated_with)")
# calculate total number of recorded colocation data points
totcolsum <- aggregate(colctns$`coloctn_freq(1=20s)`, by = list(id=colctns$id1), FUN = sum)
colnames(totcolsum) <- c("id", "total_colocations_(num_colocation_entries)")
# merge colocations and total colocations data to other colocation data
colids <- merge(colids, colctnssum, by= "id")
colids <- merge(colids, totcolsum, by= "id")
#determine colocation time
colnetrev <- colnet[,c(2,1,3,4)]
colnames(colnetrev) <- c("id1", "id2", "time", "colid")
coltime <- rbind(colnet, colnetrev)
coltime$coltimeid <- paste(coltime$id1, coltime$time)
coltime <-$coltimeid))
colnames(coltime) <- c("toparse")
coltime <- separate(coltime, toparse, into = c("id", "time"), sep = " (?=[^ ]+$)")
coltime <-$id))
colnames(coltime) <- c("id", "total_time_spent_colocating")
colids <- merge(colids, coltime, by = "id")
# determine colocation entropy
g <- graph_from_data_frame(d = colnet, directed = F)
coladjmat <- as_adj(g)
entropy_vector <- c(1:nrow(coladjmat))
for (row in c(1:nrow(coladjmat))) {
entropy_vector[row] <- entropy(coladjmat[row,])
entropy_vector <-
colnames(entropy_vector) <- c("colocation_ent")
colids <- cbind(colids, entropy_vector)
# merge colocation data with master dataset
fulldta <- merge(fulldta, colids, by = "id", all = T)
dta <- merge(dta, colids, by = "id")
meta <- dta[,c(1:3)]
# extract and insert info about participant's class
class_size <-$class, meta$gender))
colnames(class_size) <- c("class", "gender", "frequency_(filtered_data)")
class_data <- merge(class_data, class_size, by = c("class", "gender"), all=TRUE)
# write data to csv files
write.csv(x = dta, file ="~/path/to/prepped_data/Data.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(x = fulldta, file ="~/path/to/prepped_data/FullData.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(x = class_data, file = "~/path/to/prepped_data/ClassData.csv", row.names = FALSE)